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The competitive landscape for talent has never been more competitive.

Rethink, Revise and Rebrand on wood blocks
What does your company brand say about you?

One of the biggest problems companies had during the pandemic was re-branding their company culture and image to attract talent. We've all heard that employers struggle with finding and retaining talent on the news, podcast, and social media outlets. While I believe this issue would have revealed itself at some point, the pandemic sped up the process, putting pressure on employers to develop solutions to tackle this dilemma.

It is not enough to have a great company culture, solid reputation, and well-thought-out employee benefits package. Employers need reliable brand communication, recruiting, and marketing strategies to retain and acquire top talent.

Branding is essential and works to influence how potential employees perceive individual companies or organizations. The idea is that particular characteristics or values of an organization are made into an image that is then advertised, essentially telling prospective employees what it's like to be a part of a company's culture. In this highly competitive job market, the goal is for employers to change the way potential employees view them.

The problem many employers face is that they are using old and antiquated tactics to attract talent. The constantly evolving methods you use to market your business to your consumers are the same way you will need to sell to current and potential talent. It is essential to think about work in a fundamentally different way. The solution isn't to look at the crumbs employers are willing to throw employees but create a refreshed vision, image, and brand message that resonates with internal and external talent. A company should tie these items to something valuable in today's market and communicate your new brand on social medial and recruiting platforms.

Employers should enlist the help of a reputable brand and marketing company. These professionals can assist you with creating visual and graphic messages that resonate with the different generations in the workplace and highlight your unique culture. Creative and intuitive messaging could help your company get noticed among the plethora of other companies trying to attract the same talent.

Ask yourself, What would you like your potential talent to know about your company, and how would you like your employees to talk about your organization?

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